Verifying found invalid (or unwanted) entries
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Quick Tour: Step 2 of 3

While scanning the registry for invalid entries, the wizard opens the "found entries" page. After the registry scanning process has finished, all located entries appear on this page of the wizard.


The screen is divided into two parts: the navigation bar on the left side and the entries list on the right side. The navigation bar contains registry error categories or safety levels of located errors. Clicking on the top "View by .." buttons will switch the view. Clicking on an item at the left navigation bar (like Invalid fonts error category or Caution safety level) will open a corresponding list with all the located invalid registry entries.

At this point, you need to decide which entries need to be fixed. Carefully look through the list and deselect the items that you do not want to correct. You may use the right mouse click, pop-up menu to assist in your selections. By default all entries that can be safely corrected are selected. Also, you may choose a correction for any selected invalid entry from the drop-down list of available corrections.

Refer also to Select corrections for found invalid entries

After looking through all found registry keys and selecting the most appropriate corrections for them, you may apply the registry changes by pushing the Next button. The wizard will advance to the fixing the registry page

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See also:
   Selecting corrections for found invalid entries  
   Fixing the registry